Source code for nexradaws.resources.awsnexradfile

import os
import re

from datetime import datetime
import pytz

[docs]class AwsNexradFile(object): """ This class contains metadata about the remote NEXRAD file on AWS :var key: AWS key for this NEXRAD file :vartype key: str :var last_modified: when the file was last modified on AWS :vartype last_modified: datetime :var awspath: filepath on AWS to NEXRAD file :vartype awspath: str :var filename: the NEXRAD filename :vartype filename: str :var scan_time: volume scan time for the NEXRAD file :vartype scan_time: datetime :var radar_id: the four letter radar id (i.e. KTLX) :vartype radar_id: str :var filepath: absolute path to the downloaded file on the local system :vartype str: """ def __init__(self,scandict): super(AwsNexradFile, self).__init__() self._scan_time_re = re.compile(r'(....)(\d{4}\d{2}\d{2}_\d{2}\d{2}\d{2}).*') self.key = scandict.get('Key',None) self.last_modified = scandict.get('LastModified',None) self.awspath = None self.filename = None self.scan_time = None self.radar_id = None if self.key is not None: self._parse_key() def _parse_key(self): self.awspath,self.filename = os.path.split(self.key) match = self._scan_time_re.match(self.filename) if match is not None: self.radar_id = timestring = self.scan_time = datetime.strptime(timestring, '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S').replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) def create_filepath(self, basepath, keep_aws_structure): """ This function creates the file path in preperation for downloading. If keep_aws_structure is True then subfolders will be created under the basepath with the same structure as the AWS Nexrad Bucket. You should not need to call this function as it is done for you on download. :param basepath: string - base folder to save files too :param keep_aws_structure: boolean - weather or not to use the aws folder structure inside the basepath...(year/month/day/radar/) :return: tuple - directory path and full filepath """ if keep_aws_structure: directorypath = os.path.join(basepath,self.awspath) filepath = os.path.join(directorypath,self.filename) else: directorypath = basepath filepath = os.path.join(basepath, self.filename) return directorypath,filepath def __repr__(self): return '<AwsNexradFile object - {}>'.format(self.key)