API Docs

class nexradaws.NexradAwsInterface[source]

Instantiate an instance of this class to get a connection to the Nexrad AWS bucket. This class provides methods to query for various metadata of the AWS bucket as well as download files.

>>> import nexradaws
>>> conn = nexradaws.NexradAwsInterface()

This method allows you to get the years that are currently available.

>>> print conn.get_avail_years()
>>> [u'1991', u'1992', u'1993', u'1994', u'1995', u'1996', u'1997', u'1998', u'1999', u'2000', u'2001', u'2002', u'2003', u'2004', u'2005', u'2006', u'2007', u'2008', u'2009', u'2010', u'2011', u'2012', u'2013', u'2014', u'2015', u'2016', u'2017']
Returns:A list of strings representing the years available
Rtype list:

This method allows you to get the available months in a given year.

>>> print conn.get_avail_months('2013')
>>> [u'01', u'02', u'03', u'04', u'05', u'06', u'07', u'08', u'09', u'10', u'11', u'12']
Parameters:year (str or int) – the year we are requesting available months for (i.e. 2010)
Returns:A list of strings representing the months available for that year
Rtype list:
get_avail_days(year, month)[source]

This method allows you to get the available days in a given year and month.

>>> print conn.get_avail_days('2013','05')
>>> [u'01', u'02', u'03', u'04', u'05', u'06', u'07', u'08', u'09', u'10', u'11', u'12', u'13', u'14', u'15', u'16', u'17', u'18', u'19', u'20', u'21', u'22', u'23', u'24', u'25', u'26', u'27', u'28', u'29', u'30', u'31']
  • year (str or int) – the year we are requesting available days for (i.e 2010)
  • month (str or int) – the month we are requesting available days for (i.e. 05)

A list of strings representing the days available in the given month and year

Rtype list:
get_avail_radars(year, month, day)[source]

This method allows you to get the available radars in a given year, month, and day.

>>> print conn.get_avail_radars('2013','05','31')
>>> [u'DAN1', u'KABR', u'KABX', u'KAKQ', u'KAMA', u'KAMX', u'KAPX', u'KARX', u'KATX', u'KBBX', u'KBGM', u'KBHX', u'KBIS', u'KBLX', u'KBMX', u'KBOX', u'KBRO', u'KBUF', u'KBYX', u'KCAE', u'KCBW', u'KCBX', u'KCCX', u'KCLE', u'KCLX', u'KCRP', u'KCXX', u'KCYS', u'KDAX', u'KDDC', u'KDFX', u'KDGX', u'KDLH', u'KDMX', u'KDOX', u'KDTX', u'KDVN', u'KEAX', u'KEMX', u'KENX', u'KEOX', u'KEPZ', u'KESX', u'KEVX', u'KEWX', u'KEYX', u'KFCX', u'KFDR', u'KFFC', u'KFSD', u'KFSX', u'KFTG', u'KFWS', u'KGGW', u'KGJX', u'KGLD', u'KGRB', u'KGRK', u'KGRR', u'KGSP', u'KGWX', u'KGYX', u'KHDX', u'KHGX', u'KHNX', u'KHPX', u'KHTX', u'KICT', u'KICX', u'KILN', u'KILX', u'KIND', u'KINX', u'KIWA', u'KIWX', u'KJAX', u'KJGX', u'KJKL', u'KLBB', u'KLCH', u'KLGX', u'KLIX', u'KLNX', u'KLOT', u'KLRX', u'KLSX', u'KLTX', u'KLVX', u'KLWX', u'KLZK', u'KMAF', u'KMAX', u'KMBX', u'KMHX', u'KMKX', u'KMLB', u'KMOB', u'KMPX', u'KMQT', u'KMRX', u'KMSX', u'KMTX', u'KMUX', u'KMVX', u'KMXX', u'KNKX', u'KNQA', u'KOAX', u'KOHX', u'KOKX', u'KOTX', u'KPAH', u'KPBZ', u'KPDT', u'KPOE', u'KPUX', u'KRAX', u'KRGX', u'KRIW', u'KRLX', u'KRTX', u'KSFX', u'KSGF', u'KSHV', u'KSJT', u'KSOX', u'KSRX', u'KTBW', u'KTFX', u'KTLH', u'KTLX', u'KTWX', u'KTYX', u'KUDX', u'KUEX', u'KVNX', u'KVTX', u'KVWX', u'KYUX', u'PHKI', u'PHKM', u'PHMO', u'PHWA', u'TJUA']
  • year (str or int) – the year we are requesting available radars for (i.e 2010)
  • month (str or int) – the month we are requesting available radars for (i.e. 05)
  • day (str or int) – the day we are requesting available radars for (i.e. 01)

A list of string representing the radar sites available in the given day, month, and year

Rtype list:
get_avail_scans(year, month, day, radar)[source]

This method allows you to get the available radar scans for a given year, month, day, and radar.

>>> print conn.get_avail_scans('2013','05','31','KTLX')
>>> [AwsNexradFile object - 2013/05/31/KTLX/KTLX20130531_000358_V06.gz, AwsNexradFile object - 2013/05/31/KTLX/KTLX20130531_000834_V06.gz, AwsNexradFile object - 2013/05/31/KTLX/KTLX20130531_001311_V06.gz,...
  • year (str or int) – the year we are requesting available scans for (i.e 2010)
  • month (str or int) – the month we are requesting available scans for (i.e. 05)
  • day (str or int) – the day we are requesting available scans for (i.e. 01)
  • radar (str) – the radar id we are requesting available scans for (i.e. KTLX)

A list of AwsNexradFile objects representing the radar scans available for a given radar, day, month, and year

Rtype list:
get_avail_scans_in_range(start, end, radar)[source]

Get all available scans for a radar between start and end date. If datetime’s do not include a timezone they will be set to UTC.

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> radarid = 'KTLX'
>>> start = datetime(2013, 5, 31, 20, 0)
>>> end = datetime(2013, 5, 31, 23, 0)
>>> print conn.get_avail_scans_in_range(start,end,radarid)
>>> [AwsNexradFile object - 2013/05/31/KTLX/KTLX20130531_200046_V06.gz, AwsNexradFile object - 2013/05/31/KTLX/KTLX20130531_200415_V06.gz, AwsNexradFile object - 2013/05/31/KTLX/KTLX20130531_200745_V06.gz,...
  • start (datetime) – start time for range
  • end (datetime) – end time for range
  • radar (str) – radar id

A list of AwsNexradFile objects representing the radar scans available in the passed time range.

Rtype list:
download(awsnexradfiles, basepath, keep_aws_folders=False, threads=6)[source]

This method will download the passed AwsNexradFile object(s) to the given basepath folder. If keep_aws_folders is True then subfolders will be created under the basepath with the same structure as on AWS (year/month/day/radar/).

  • awsnexradfiles (list) – A list of AwsNexradFile objects to download
  • basepath (str) – location to save downloaded files
  • keep_aws_folders (bool) – weather or not to use the aws folder structure inside the basepath…(year/month/day/radar/)
  • threads (int) – number of download threads to utilize (default=6)

A DownloadResults object that contains successful downloads as LocalNexradFile objects as well as any AwsNexradFile objects that failed

:rtype DownloadResults:

class nexradaws.resources.awsnexradfile.AwsNexradFile(scandict)[source]

This class contains metadata about the remote NEXRAD file on AWS

  • key (str) – AWS key for this NEXRAD file
  • last_modified (datetime) – when the file was last modified on AWS
  • awspath (str) – filepath on AWS to NEXRAD file
  • filename (str) – the NEXRAD filename
  • scan_time (datetime) – volume scan time for the NEXRAD file
  • radar_id (str) – the four letter radar id (i.e. KTLX)
  • filepath – absolute path to the downloaded file on the local system
class nexradaws.resources.localnexradfile.LocalNexradFile(awsnexradfile, localfilepath)[source]

This class contains metadata about the local NEXRAD file as well as methods to open the file.

  • key (str) – AWS key for this NEXRAD file
  • last_modified (datetime) – when the file was last modified on AWS
  • filename (str) – the NEXRAD filename
  • scan_time (datetime) – volume scan time for the NEXRAD file
  • radar_id (str) – the four letter radar id (i.e. KTLX)
  • filepath – absolute path to the downloaded file on the local system

Provides a file object to the local nexrad radar file. Be sure to close the file object when processing is complete.

Returns:file object ready for reading
Rtype file:

If pyart is available this method will read in the nexrad archive file and return a pyart Radar object.

Returns:a pyart radar object
Rtype pyart.core.Radar:
class nexradaws.resources.downloadresults.DownloadResults(localfiles, failedfiles)[source]

This class contains the results of the download call as well as methods for accessing the results.

  • success (list) – a list of LocalNexradFile objects representing the successful downloads
  • failed – a list of any AwsNexradFile objects that failed to download
  • success_count (int) – The number of successful downloads
  • failed_count (int) – The number of downloads that failed
  • total (int) – The total number of nexrad files that were attempted

A generator function that allows you to iterate over successful downloads

>>> for localnexradfile in downloads.iter_success():
>>>      ...do something...

A generator function that allows you to iterate over failed downloads

>>> for remotenexradfile in downloads.iter_failed():
>>>      ...do something...